Cutting Costs in POD: Lesson 1 (Video)

Cutting Costs in POD: Lesson 1 (Video)

Welcome to the second video in my series of how to cut costs in custom and on-demand manufacturing. In this series, I share 10 insights I’ve learned over many years of working across all elements of the business. Over the series, I’ll go into detail about how every one of these elements can help your organization realize cost savings.

As you watch these videos remember: just 1 of these 10 opportunities can make a massive difference to your business. I’ve seen a single change drive 6-figure savings.

But, collectively, they can completely transform your organization.

If you want to know the rest of the tips before the videos have been published (I share one approximately every month), feel free to reach out by connecting with me or commenting below.


Thanks for joining me as we talk about how to cut costs in print-on-demand manufacturing. In this first video I’m talking about how to go about fully automating order processing and I mean fully because I’m still constantly surprised by how many firms are still doing manual stuff to their files, still manually manipulating automated data and you do those sorts of things and the chances you’re going to miss your SLA targets is dramatically increased plus you’re just adding costs onto each order. So my first tip is to get all of your automated data and your file processing beautifully aligned and completely automated so you never do any manual contact with any file whatsoever. It might seem difficult, particularly if you don’t have your own internal IT department but it’s the critical first step in improving your order workflow and processes. Once you get all of this data beautifully structured you’ll see the benefits immediately, especially if you’re taking work from various brands. From our experience many of the brands don’t get it right, they don’t conform to their own specifications, their file transfer procedures at times are a bit dodgy and but these firms tend to blame you before they accept responsibility themselves. So your best defense is a good offense and that starts with good data and good log files and once you’ve got all that good data beautifully streamlined so that all of your file processing prepress actions are fully automated all the way directly onto the rip or directly into a hot folder then you’ve got a process that enables you to go and strip enormous costs out of your organization and also speeds the workflow and speeds the work onto your press. So if those sorts of techniques make sense and you’re keen to know how to go about making this a reality for your business, reach out to me, ring my bell, I’d be happy to tell you a whole heap more about exactly how we go about doing that and improving our customers’ business.

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith is the CEO of ZenSmart, a leading workflow automation platform that streamlines manufacturing in On Demand plants across the world.



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