ZenSmart Merch & Giftware

Fully integrated merchandise and giftware manufacturing.

Achieve complete control of your manufacturing to least cost with a platform that automates everything from order retrieval to shipping and every stage in-between.

Get started with a free 60-day trial and take your production to the next level.

Perfect for:

  • T-Shirts
  • Mugs
  • Jewelry
  • Keychains
  • Hats
  • Phone Cases
  • Puzzles
  • Pens
  • Totes
  • Hoodies
  • Notebooks
  • Bobbleheads
  • Coasters
  • Socks

...and so much more!

Since 2014, ZenSmart has been trusted by the world’s premiere print on demand fulfilment houses

zensmart is showing Logo for "district," featuring the initials "dp" in a stylized design. "district" is written in lowercase letters in a modern font. Below, there are the words "PHOTO - PRINT - DECOR" in a smaller font, indicating the services provided. The color scheme is blue. with print workflow automation
zensmart is showing Green circular logo with “B2C telecom” written in white letters. The letter "C" is stylized to resemble a telephone handset. with print workflow automation
zensmart is showing Logo of Printique, an Adorama company. The logo features a stylized heart on the left with horizontal lines forming the shape, followed by the text "PRINTIQUE" in uppercase, and below it, the text "AN ADORAMA COMPANY" in smaller uppercase letters. with print workflow automation
zensmart is showing Logo of Photobook Worldwide, featuring a blue square with a white lowercase "p" next to the text "Photobook Worldwide" in blue. with print workflow automation

Fully. Automated. Merch.

Big product ranges, lots of orders, a mix of dye sublimation, UV print and laser engravers – all married to large numbers of printers means that maximizing efficiency in Merchandise and Giftware manufacture can be really challenging.

ZenSmart Apparel & Merch solves the problem.  ZenSmart enables you to configure custom workflows using the intuitive Flow Designer to completely automate your manufacture.

From queuing & batching to auto submission to permitted press devices, batches are optimally printed to target SLA’s.

Critically batch definition also drives picking which together with pick validation, StockConnect and Bill of Materials (BOM) means that strong inventory control is built into the fabric of ZenSmart.

Thermal and digital job tickets work together to provide the item identification required to smooth workflow and reduce labor costs and enable easy identification for any downstream finishing tasks..

Powerful reporting in the ZenSmart Performance Center provides the tools to achieve deep insight and make the next significant business decisions.

Take advantage of the next big step forward in Merchandise and Giftware automation with ZenSmart.

ZenSmart Apparel & Merch is a workflow automation software platform tailor made for sites small or large. It’s specifically engineered to cut manufacturing costs and speed production.

0 %
reduction in labour per unit
0 %
reduction in waste
0 %
decrease in production time
zensmart is showing A young woman with a casual topknot is smiling and looking at a computer screen in a cozy, well-decorated room adorned with plants, photos, and unique giftware. Soft lighting illuminates her face as she leans on the desk, appearing engaged and happy. with print workflow automation

Order automation

Achieving peak efficiency begins with totally automating order retrieval and order processing. ZenSmart directly connects with a large number of order sources ranging from Taopix and OrderDesk through to shopping platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Etsy and Amazon Efficiency (and more).  The richly documented ZenSmart PushAPI provides fast integration to any proprietary order sources or MIS system.

Tailor your Flow to reflect your manufacturing

ZenSmart Apparel & Merch features the easy-to-use Flow Designer. Flow Designer provides the tools to tailor the default Merch and Giftware workflow to your specific requirements. Whether you use pick or print first workflows or a mix of the two, ZenSmart supports all forms of workflow to enable beautiful polished perfection to be achieved.

zensmart is showing A woman is standing at a t-shirt printing station, carefully adjusting a shirt under the heat press using DTF technology. She has long dark hair and a tattoo on her forearm. Shelves with printed t-shirts and colorful designs are visible in the background. with print workflow automation
zensmart is showing A desktop setup with two monitors displays a landscape image of scenic mountains. A keyboard and mouse rest on a desk, with the mouse on a pad featuring the same mountain landscape, created through dye sublimation printing. The workspace is clean and organized, suggesting a creative workspace embracing technology. with print workflow automation

Deep RIP and device integration

Large numbers of presses in UV and Dye-Sub means that having deep insight to job performance on the presses is important. With rich Caldera, Fiery, Wasatch, Epson and many other RIP integrations, ZenSmart keeps you on top of job status, RIP and press errors to keep you on top of your production.

Pick with precision

Whether you have a pick first or print first workflow, picking is a critical step in achieving smooth workflow.  ZenSmart generates pick optimised pick lists driven by your batches together with pick validation.  It means goods are effortlessly queued for the next workflow stage.

zensmart is showing A person stands in a storage area filled with shelves of boxed items, white shirts, and various giftware. They hold a tablet and inspect the contents of a box. The individual wears a gray sweatshirt with blurred letters and seems focused on managing merch inventory. with print workflow automation
zensmart is showing A man with glasses and a beard operates a computerized control panel in an industrial setting. Holding a tablet, he appears focused on the screens displaying various data and graphs related to automation software. The background shows machinery and equipment. with print workflow automation

Ensure WIP moves to SLA

Due dates are defined at order creation, WIP tracking ensures your orders are not only inside your SLA’s but they are moving through production at the speed needed to achieve SLA.

Manufacture to least cost

The high number of products in Merch and Giftware sites means that keeping on top of your costs is so very critical.  ZenSmart tracks every piece of work at each workflow stage – watching actions by both staff and machines.  Costs can be attached against each stage – so it means you know exact cost per order, even for items failed in workflow.

zensmart is showing A young woman with curly hair, wearing a black t-shirt with a large white number '5', is focused on her work in a workshop or studio. She is examining a large sheet of material laid out on a table, possibly for screen printing or fabric work to create unique giftware. with print workflow automation
zensmart is showing A row of cardboard boxes with shipping labels moves along a conveyor belt in an automated warehouse or packaging facility. The background showcases industrial equipment involved in print workflow automation within a well-lit, modern environment. with print workflow automation

Optimize logistics

The different sizes of objects in Merch and Giftware means that ship combine logic is critically important to shipping to least cost.  ZenSmart provides rich combine logic together with advanced features such as reverse ship auctions, least cost lookup to SLA and dropship to ensure you are constantly driving down your shipping costs.

Take your business to the next level

ZenSmart is far more than an automation platform.  It is a critical piece of business capability designed to deliver competitive advantage whilst driving down your business costs.

ZenSmart Apparel & Merch delivers

  • Reduced manufacturing cost
  • Up to 30% efficiency gains
  • Agile production

So, whether you are a small site or large,  ZenSmart Merch & Giftware is a automation platform proven to deliver very significant performance gains.

Get started today with a free 60-day trial.

Introducing the ZenSmart platform

Order Processing, Queueing and Batching

Effortlessly streamline your order management

With direct integrations to Amazon, Etsy, Taopix, Printbox and more, coupled with intelligent queueing and batching technology, ZenSmart makes it easy to standardize order metadata, organize workflow and optimize your order volume, regardless of the source.

Impose and release to print

Simplify your printing process with visual precision

ZenSmart Imposition offers a seamless standardization of input files, coupled with an intuitive visual designer interface utilising drag-and-drop functionality – all whilst maintaining efficient press release management, ensuring no job is overlooked.

Multi-block finishing

Tailored finishing workflows for complete operational transparency

Craft precise product flows aligned with your specific business demands and equipment – ensuring thorough tracking through every workflow stage, even for complex setups with multiple blocks and diverse requirements.

Combine and Dispatch

Integrated shipping solutions for singles and multis

Effortless shipping integration for all transactions regardless of unit count and product mix. From single packages to complex multi-department orders, ZenSmart streamlines your logistics management, saving you time and ensuring customer satisfaction.

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