Don’t just measure. Do!

Don’t just measure. Do!

Don’t just measure. “Do”.

Information is power. In automation, a lot of people focus on the importance of gathering data. It’s critical, I agree. 

Anyone using an automated system for their print-on-demand business knows about the importance of measurement.

But it’s not enough.

There’s a lot of alternatives that are great at observing, but that’s all they do. Watch, just simply watch.

Measure, by all means. But don’t stop there.

The measure of an evolved business is where measurement immediately feeds back into  action.  And the best tools enable you to convert an observation into the action that needs to flow from it. 

For example:

  • A color defect is observed with automated re-routing to another press option
  • A trim error observed with automated messaging to send the items backwards in workflow to a preceding trim stage
  • Automated expediting of work where SLA is at risk
  • Automated changing of color logic on batch and job sheets if over SLA or an item has been quality failed
  • Automated upgrade of a shipping class where over SLA
  • …. and a myriad of other examples

Connecting measurement to action enables additional cost to be extracted from the business and creates a more agile business that remains within SLA.

The result isn’t just efficiency, it’s ability to instantly change and adapt.  

Don’t just measure. Do.

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith is the CEO of ZenSmart, a leading workflow automation platform that streamlines manufacturing in On Demand plants across the world.



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