Apparel & t-shirt production cost calculator
When you are making t-shirts and other types of apparel, production costs can be difficult to work out. The Apparel and T-shirt calculator is designed to enable your Order Processing, Material, Equipment and Labor costs to be all taken into account in working out what apparel print production method is the most profitable. It will also help you work out how ZenSmart Workflow Automation can drive further savings.
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Apparel Job Cost & Profit Calculator
1️⃣ Move the Base Assumption sliders
2️⃣ Change the sliders for each of your Workflow methods
3️⃣ Review the ZenSmart impact
Find out more about this Apparel Cost Calculator
1️⃣ Base Assumptions
2️⃣ Workflow Specific Costs
3️⃣ Result
How to use
The Apparel and T-shirt production cost calculator has been designed to use the most common apparel production cost input elements. If you have other labor cost inputs (such as picking), just include this time allowance inside the File Retrieval per order slider.
To use the calculator you must enter (1) Base Assumptions and then (2) any number of other Workflow type assumptions. Each Production Workflow can have its own set of cost assumptions. All costs are calculated dynamically. Change a single slider and the calculation is dynamically updated. Make sure you check each value. If you don’t support some production methods, just change all the sliders to their minimum values.
The Cost and Profit calculations are indications only. They do not take into account things like electricity, water and machine upkeep, which are assumed fixed costs regardless of the individual job.
About this calculator
This calculator was created because Andrew, our CEO, had repeated conversations with T-shirt DTG and DTF sites where full costs of each workflow method were not being taken into account in working out what was the best production method. Equipment and labor costs were frequently ignored. Instead the focus was on ink, pre-treat, film, powder – the pure material variable costs. So, we created this calculator to help drive the debate around what is the best manufacturing approach for the order profile/production time formula that exists for your site. If you have any ideas about how this calculator could be improved, contact us, we’d love to hear your suggestions.